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Turn 10 talks DLC and Forza Horizon 2


Turn 10 Studios and company took the stage during Microsoft’s press conference Monday to talk a bit about their upcoming projects. To begin, a brand new track will be available for free to Xbox One Forza 5 owners starting later today. The world famous Nurburgring is one of the more notable racing tracks, and die hard fans have been asking for it’s inclusion. Moving on to the newest Forza game, Forza Horizon 2 is set in the same engine as Forza 5, meaning that players driveatars will carry over, a new day-night cycle will be added, and the roster of cars is over 200. The game keeps the offshoot series signature open world and looser racing feel, along with thee music festival setting. Instead of racing across Colorado like in the original, players now take to the roads of southern Europe. The  Xbox One exclusive races to consumers on September 13th.

As always, keep up with all your E3 news with Vgamerz.

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