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The Best Companion in Fallout 4 Is…

Fallout 4 is bringing us improved companions – and a lot of them, too – to assist us in our quest to make the Commonwealth a better place (or not). They will follow us around, they will help a lot and they will even allow us to romance them if we build up the relationship. They are extremely useful, but it makes sense that some are better than the others. And we’re here to find out which is the best companion in Fallout 4!

I am trying to keep this article as spoiler-free as possible, but be warned that there might be some spoilers ahead, so read at your own risk! And now let’s check out the Fallout 4 best companion.


fallout 4 codsworth

He’s one of the first companions you’ll get in the game, but he is arguably one of the better ones. I personally consider him the perfect companion to bring in for a fight. He has all the insane weapons and knows how to use them: he causes a ton of damage in melee combat and his flame thrower is amazing. He is indeed pretty much useless when it comes to long range combat, but the moments when I couldn’t use him properly were few and overall I still believe that he is the best companion to explore the wasteland.

Piper or Cait

fallout 4 best companion piper

If you’re in the majority (meaning male player looking to romance female companion in the game), then your options are pretty much limited. In this case, Piper becomes the best choice in my case – and yours if you like to play it nice in the game. For the evil ones, there is Cait. They both look good so make your pick if that’s everything you’re looking for.

Nick Valentine

Fallout 4_20151103152835

He’s actually the best companion in terms of story, in my opinion and you can really connect with him on a personal level. He’s the only companion that I actually ended up really caring about (him and Piper – but she had other aces up her sleeves) and I loved to be followed by him. So if it’s a bit more role playing experience and connecting to a deeper level, try to go with Valentine!

The most useful remains, in my opinion, Codsworth because he can take a beating, he can cause some damage and he can take away some heat off you by jumping straight into battle. What do you say, though? Which is the best companion in Fallout 4?

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