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Sunset Overdrive arrives in Style


Xbox One exclusive Sunset Overdrive revealed a suite of info on Xbox’s big stage.  In addition to a new trailer and gameplay, an October 28th release date became final. The game also got a new online mode- dubbed Chaos Mode -allows up to 8 players to take on the city together. All of this was wrapped in one of the best E3 presentations I can remember. The trailer was funny, playing on first person shooter tropes and breaking the fourth wall just a bit. The game’s color palet continue to impress me, and when paired with the mature cartoon themes and in game jokes I can’t help but wonder if this will be my game of the show. It makes me wonder if the zany visuals and crazy weapons are going to be the perfect combo for a killer app, as it appeals to a gigantic crowd.

Check out the video below for the full shenanigans, and let us k now your thoughts in the comments below.

Remember that all your E3 news needs can be satisfied with Vgamerz coverage.

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