In an interview with WhatCulture, art director Scott Mitchell revealed that there would be no single-player campaign in the upcoming Rainbow Six title.
He attempts to justify this notion with a statement about player vs. AI modes as seen below.
“There is no story mode per se. You go through training, where you get to experience different operators and their devices. You can play against enemy AI in co-op through all the maps. You can customize matches, so that’s what we’re offering on the single-player side of things”
Fear not, however, as he goes on to talk about how this will impact the multiplayer…
“It’s a pretty good training ground, and on top of that you’re unlocking the same content as you would playing in PvP. You’re still gaining stars, renown points, and new operatives”
In other words, repetitively grind out the multiplayer maps against unintelligent AI for hours on end for unlocks if you so desire. This growing trend is becoming a really frustrating prospect.
First Titanfall and Evolve, now Battlefront and Rainbow Six: Siege. Why do developers think that it’s justifiable to charge full price for a game that is lacking a huge component of what makes these games worth purchasing? Titanfall at least attempted to merge a story into the multiplayer, but lazy execution and a lack of focus meant that it was bare-boned at best.
The beta for Rainbow Six is at least promising, but excluding any sort of proper Campaign with a Tom Clancy game is disappointing to say the least.
Source – IGN

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