Dragon Age Inquisition Companions
Two more Inquisition companions have been revealed, which means there are possibly three more to be officially announced. The fourth Dragon Age Inquisition companion spotted in a video last week has been officially identified by BioWare. After an image leak from the German PC magazine GameStar, Bioware’s lead writer David Gaider explained that the supposed Solace is in fact, Solas, a male elf mage companion in Inquisition:
Just FYI, however, it’s Solas. Not Solace. Not sure where they got that. And, since this seems to be a persistent notion: Solas is not the “Dorian” from the survey. He was never that character. As to who Solas is… well, I suppose you’ll all have to wait and see.

It’s also assumed that a concept art created last year by lead concept artist Matt Rhodes corresponds to the fifth Inquisition companions. His name is Iron Bull and he’s a qunari male warrior. Judging by his giant sword, he’ll probably be an aggressive warrior-like Fenris in Dragon Age 2 and Oghren in Dragon Age Origins.
With five Inquisition companions brought from the shadows (Varric, Cassandra, Vivenne, Solas, and Iron Bull) there’s possibly only one companion left to be unveiled. This of course, if BioWare follows the logic used in the previous two games, which included eight companions per game and a balanced class distribution among characters:
Dragon Age Origins:
Alistair (Warrior-Templar); Leliana (Rogue-Bard); Mabari War Hound (War Pet); Morrigan (Mage-Shapeshifter); Oghren (Warrior-Fighter); Sten (Warrior-Fighter); Zevran (Rogue-Assassin); Wynne (Mage-Healer).
Dragon Age II:
Anders (Mage-Healer); Aveline (Warrior-Defensive); Bethany Hawke (Mage-Offensive); Carver Hawke (Warrior-Fighter); Fenris (Warrior-Fighter); Isabela (Rogue-Assassin); Merril (Mage-Offensive); Varric (Rogue-Archer).
Dragon Age Inquisition:
Cassandra (Warrior-Defensive); Iron Bull (Warrior-Fighter); Solas (Mage-?); Varric (Rogue-Archer); Vivienne (Mage-Offensive).
Following this trend, one of the remaining companions is certainly a female rogue, since we already got three males, two females, and only one rogue-archer. The other two companions could fit in any class and specialization role.

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