Square Enix’s Thief revolves around Erin and her mysterious disappearance after falling into an energy beam at the start of the game. Garrett’s attempt to save her was in vain and guilt has been haunting him ever since. As the storyline goes on, we learn about the existence of a magical entity with devastating…
House Divided
Telltale Games anticipated that A House Divided would bring an old character into the play and for months, players tried to preview which character was going to effectively return. But the second episode released early this month is filled with stunning revelations and shocking facts. From the beginning of the episode until its…
House Divided
A House Divided is the second episode of Telltale Games The Walking Dead Season 2 and it’s a direct continuation of the first episode, where Clementine got separated from her friend Christa and met a new group of survivors. The beginning of the second episode depends exclusively on the last choice made in…
Ah, Streets of Rage. A perfect example of early gaming’s ‘simple yet effective’ milieu.You stride man-tastically from left to right (unless you’re playing as the woman, though she’s pretty darn butch too). You punch any villains you encounter in the delicate fleshy bits, and you stride forward some more. This wasn’t the era of…
Rift is celebrating its third year of existence and great success. But what keeps the game running? What’s so special about the world of Telara? Rift is no World of Warcraft but it certainly has many strong aspects that should be considered for future creations. The MMO genre envisions a world where instability reigns…
Alien Hominid
Ah, this little dude. Many tedious school periods were spent in his company, stealthily knifing and blasting my way through an hour that would otherwise be dedicated to the foreign policy of Louis XIV or some such. In those days, finding a game site that wasn’t blocked at school made you feel like…
Souls Bosses
To celebrate the launch of Dark Souls II, I have prepared my top five favorite Souls II bosses from the entire Souls series. These games do almost all of the bosses so effectively that it was truly a challenge to come up with the top five, but, I persevered and will explode your…
Before Sonic, there was Flicky.This little bluebird can claim to be among Sega’s early almost-mascots-if-you-squint-a-bit. It was eclipsed in this role by Alex Kidd a year or two later, but let’s disregard him. His terrible sideburns and jumpsuit combo deserves to be consigned to the drawer marked ‘crap from the eighties that must never…
Final Fantasy
Back in the days of yore, when we sported ill-advised hairstyles and mobile phones the size of housebricks, things were simpler. Our RPG stars were succinctly characterised into 'jobs,’ and everyone knew what they were supposed to be doing. Final Fantasy Warriors would righteously smite enemies in the eyeballs with pointy swords, White…
Monster Hunter, as we know, is a uniquely Japanese phenomenon. The franchise gained some modest acclaim in the West with Monster Hunter Tri, but before that it was certainly obscure around these parts. In Japan, though, it is the biggest of big deals. It couldn’t get any bigger or... dealier. Those guys can’t start…