Looking for more Borderlands action? Great news! Borderlands 2 has 10 DLC packs to play around with — five campaign story packs and five shorter Headhunter packs. Below is your 2024 how-to-get-started guide for the right Borderlands 2 DLC order.
Do I have to be a certain level for Borderlands 2 DLC
The DLCs in Borderlands 2 have a flexible difficulty level that is proportionate to yours and the mode you’re playing (Normal or True Vault Hunter Mode). Normal: Levels range from 15 to 30, 30 to 35, or 30 to 38, depending on the campaign pack. Enemies scale up to level 50 for most packs in TVHM
When you start a DLC, it locks to that level, so make sure you’re prepared for it. The level requirements keep you near the main storyline and helps you understand what is happening.
Of course, it is not required, but we strongly advise you to complete the main game first before grabbing those DLCs and, ideally in their release order.
Borderlands 2 DLC: How long is it?
It varies. From the campaign stories alone, expect something around 20 hours of gameplay. 5 headhunter packs average out to about 1 hour each. So, the total is about 25 hours’ worth of more Borderlands 2 fun.
How do I get hold of Borderlands 2 DLC?
Borderlands 2 DLCs are available in the Xbox and PlayStation stores. If you’re not in a rush, watch for deals.
Your best option is to pick up the Borderlands 2: Game of The Year edition from Steam. This collection contains seven of eight DLC packs, and it might save you cash compared to buying every DLC one after the other. Remember that the most recent DLC, Commander Lilith & The Fight For Sanctuary, is a separate purchase.
If your system can take it, remember to grab the stunning 4K remaster of BL2. It comes with a free ultra-HD texture pack.
Borderlands 2 DLC order
As a rule of thumb, playing the DLCs after completing the main story should enhance your gaming experience without spoilers. But here is a safe way that you can do this:
1. Captain Scarlett and Mr. Torgue

These are the first two DLCs and offer diverse adventures. You’ll be able to initiate these at level 15—and after the main story mission, “A Dam Fine Rescue,” is done, preferably. You can also play them in whatever order you like.
- Fast Travel Station: DLC1: Oasis, DLC2: Badass Crater of Badassitude.
- Level Requirement: 15.
2. Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt
This DLC takes place post-main and reveals the consequences of your decisions made during the story. This is suggested at level 30, and you should reach it when you finish the main campaign.
- Fast Travel Station: Hunter’s Grotto.
- Level Requirement: 30.
3. Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep
Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep is a special adventure that follows the main game and touches upon a relevant plot element. It was released for players above level 30 after they finished the main campaign.
- Fast Travel Station: Unassuming Docks.
- Level Requirement: 30.
4. Headhunter Packs
These are the smaller, independent DLCs focused on endgame content with enjoyable side quests. You can play them in any order, so choose whichever theme appeals to you the most.
- Fast Travel Station: Varies by pack.
- Level Requirement: 30.
5. Commander Lilith & The Fight for Sanctuary
The fifth campaign add-on is the bridge to Borderlands 3, released seven years after the original. It features a lot of callbacks to events and characters from Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and Tales From the Borderlands. So, it’s recommended that you complete them first. The DLC serves as the penultimate stop before moving on to Borderlands 3 and comes with a level 30 prerequisite.
- Fast Travel Station: Fight for Sanctuary.
- Level Requirement: 30.
In short, Borderlands 2 has a bunch of DLCs to keep the fun going. Whether you’re new or have finished the main game, there’s something for everyone. Start with Captain Scarlet and Mr. Torgue at level 15, then move on to the others as you reach level 30. Remember, playing them in order makes for the best experience. You can find these add-ons in your console’s store or on Steam for PC. Get ready for hours of extra playtime and a smooth transition to Borderlands 3!
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Images are from store.steampowered.com

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