Episode 2 of Life Is Strange was released a couple of days ago. Like the first episode, Out Of Time contains 10 photo opportunities for Max’s scrapbook. In case you missed it, here’s last episode’s photo list. But remember – this article may contain spoilers, so proceed with caution!
Optional Photo 1: Field of View
When you’re in Kate’s dorm room to return her book, you’ll notice a bunny rabbit in a cage tucked away in the corner. All you have to do is stand close to it to make the “Photo” option appear.
Optional Photo 2: Full Exposure
Remember the photo of the squirrel you took in episode 1? We’re heading back to the same place – the tree behind the bench outside the girls’ dorms. You’ll know you’ve got the right tree when you find the words “make art” etched into its trunk. Go to the trash can next to the bench and choose “Use”. (You may have to choose “Look” first.) You’ll pull a half-eaten doughnut out of the bin and leave it for the squirrel. Take a few steps back to get it to approach, and while it’s eating, take a picture.
Optional Photo 3: Processor
You’ll have to be standing in just the right spot for this photo. When you’re outside the Two Whales Diner, you’ll be able to look up at the whale sign on top of the building. The “Photo” option will only be present if you’re standing at the right angle. You need to make sure the sun is just to the right of the whale’s tail. Take a look at the photo hint in your scrapbook to see exactly where it should be and then get into position!
Optional Photo 4: Image Stabiliser
You might have noticed the dirty RV in the diner’s car park. It’s the same one that was in the school’s car park last episode, and if you go up to it now you’ll be chased away by Frank’s dog. If you go to the other side of the diner and through the chain fence next to the homeless woman, you’ll come up behind the dog. Take a picture!
Optional Photo 5: Compressed
Inside the diner, before you meet up with Chloe, go to the bathroom. It’s hard to make out, but that graffiti on the mirror says “Fire Walk With Me”. Take a photo of it.
Optional Photo 6: Pixelated
At the junkyard, Chloe will ask you to bring five bottles for target practice. While you’re looking you’ll see the big old school bus. The number “142” is printed near the top on the side facing the junkyard. This is another tricky angle you’ll have to get – use the hint in your scrapbook for guidance.
Optional Photo 7: Dynamic Range
Beyond the bus, if you go via the train tracks you’ll find a doe on a little hill. It’s the same one from your vision, and it’s kinda spooky. Get as close to it as you can and you’ll add a photo of the doe to your scrapbook. Or will you?
Optional Photo 8: Colorized
After you’ve had fun with the bottles, Chloe will sit back on the hood of a car and hold her gun towards the sky. Before you talk to her, stand on Chloe’s right and take a photos.
Optional Photo 9: Meter Made
When you’re back at school, go visit Warren in the science lab. He’s working on an experiment and he’ll ask you which ingredient he should add. For now, say potassium. His concoction will blow up a little. Now talk to him, and then rewind time. This time, tell Warren to add a LOT of potassium. He’ll now get a slightly bigger explosion. Leave Warren for now and talk to his teacher, Ms. Grant. Choose the “Experiment” option and she’ll tell you to add Chlorine. Now, rewind time again and return to Warren. Tell him to add Chlorine, and this time his potion will nearly blast him out of his chair. Go up to him and take a photos.
Optional Photos 10: Resolution Revolution
The last one for this episode is pretty easy. In your classroom, you’ll see Alyssa standing by the window. Stand behind her and the “Photos” option will appear.
Check back with us once Episode 3 is out for the next round of photo ops.

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