Telltale Games set itself as a critical darling with its episodic adventure game based on the comic and TV series The Walking Dead in 2012. They’ve taken on various franchises with their style of design, including Game of Thrones, Borderlands, and are currently developing a Batman adventure game. However, it was becoming unclear if they would ever return to the series that put them on the map. Telltale announced a third season for their take on the Walking Dead series at Comic Con 2014 and stated that it would release in 2015, only to go silent on the project afterward.
At E3 2016, Telltale finally laid all concerns to rest and officially revealed The Walking Dead: Season 3. Like previous games in the series, it is set in the same world as the original comic, but follows its own unique storyline and characters. Season 3 will once again focus on the young Clementine as she continues her unending fight to stay alive in the zombie apocalypse. Going against what some suspected, it looks like Season 3 will be picking up a few years after the events of Season 2. Players will also be taking control of a new character named Javier who will be traveling alongside Clementine.
The Walking Dead: Season 3 is set to release its first episode this fall. You can check out the first official teaser trailer for it here. What are your hopes for the third season? Where can you see the story going in this new installment? Leave a comment below and let us know what you think. Just be sure to be mindful of spoilers.

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