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Fallout 4 Mission Guide: Cleansing the Commonwealth Part 2

Fallout 4 Wallpapper

The second mission from Knight Rhys is to annihilate even more ghouls. This time the location is the Super Duper Mart in Lexington. Before heading into this ghoul nest,you should read the following steps.

The Brotherhood of Steel always has assignments for you, that’s a reality. After all, the world is filled with scum these days. Gear up as much as you can, bring all the ammo and projectiles you have, as well as regeneration items like food and boosts. You’ll really need them.


Fallout 4 - Cleansing the Commonwealth Part 2 - Super Duper Mart1. Enter the Super Duper Mart

After traveling to this unexpected place, get inside and start the killing. There are several dozens of ghouls here and most are not just common ghouls. Aim steady and keep a distance at all costs.


Fallout 4 - Cleansing the Commonwealth Part 2 - Companion Lure2. Lure with Your Companion

After the entrance room, you should use your companion to recon the front area. Why? Companions don’t die and they can be used as bait/tanks. While they’re distracting enemies by taking damage, you have time to aim and kill.


3. Get the Trapped Ghouls

On the bottom left of the Mart, there are a few trapped ghouls inside a windowed room, kill them through the open space as they cannot get to you. Once you get out, enable the sneaky mode on CTRL.


Fallout 4 - Cleansing the Commonwealth Part 2 - Ghoul Killing4. Proceed Slowly

Don’t rush this mission, simply because it’s a trap. When you start seeing a green ambiance, walk very slowly. Ghouls will slowly come to you and you don’t want a dozen on you. Use projectiles in this fight, else you’ll need to run around for awhile.


Fallout 4 - Cleansing the Commonwealth Part 2 - Remaining Ghoul Killing5. Kill Everything

That’s it. Now, just kill the remaining ghouls around and go forward until you see a terminal. Unlock/hack it to open the door that will lead you outside. Go back to Knight Rhys to receive your reward and a new mission.


Read the next parts of the Cleansing the Commonwealth mission here at VgamerZ:

Fallout 4 Mission Guide: Cleansing the Commonwealth Part 3

Fallout 4 Mission Guide: Cleansing the Commonwealth Part 4

Fallout 4 Mission Guide: Cleansing the Commonwealth Part 5

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