If you’ve been following Vgamerz lately, you know that I have a complete Stellaris addiction and even though I’m still enjoying the base game as it is and I still discover new amazing things, I can’t ignore the fact that the modding community is insanely active and there are a ton of great mods launched already, with some major ones in progress (like the Star Trek total conversion). Until those get released, we still have a lot of ways to improve our Stellaris experience and in order to help you get started, I’ve decided to create this list of the 10 best Stellaris mods that you should install right now.
I am sure that mode mods will be launched in the future, so I will make sure to let you know about their availability when they are released. But until then, check out below the best Stellaris mods!
Per Ardua Ad Astra
Stellaris is an extremely balanced game – and a complex one too – as it is, but some tweaks will never hurt. This mod updates the balance and brings some much needed changes, like new buildings, rebalanced robots and slaves, as well as balance changes for Buildings, Edicts, Ethics, Governments, Techs and Traits. Pretty interesting, I’d say – so click here to download this mod.
Lilim – Rei Ayanami
This one will be particularly interesting if you’re a fan of the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion (and the movies related to it), but even if you’re not, it’s still a great play! Introducing a new species, the Lilim (angels in the anime), a new government type – the Divine Matriarchal Rule (which upgrades to Divine Matriarchal Star Empire). Give it a try here.
Galaxies Unlimited
Did you ever feel the need of more stars in Stellaris? The current cap is set at 1,000, but with this mod you can create a galaxy with 25 to 5,000 stars. The maps all include adjusted number of empires, empire default, fallen empire/advance empire defaults, and number of nebulas. Just make sure that you have what it takes to rule these galaxies! You can download the mod here.
48 Empire Colors
This mod adds 28 additional colors to the base game, and it also expands the space for color selection in the custom species creation screen. This is compatible with Ironman mode and unlocking the Ironman achievement, so give it a try! Download here.
Honorverse: Star Kingdom of Manticore
Although playable and very cool, this is still a work in progress mod at the moment of writing – so expect it to get more and more epic. Until then, enjoy the mod based on David Weber’s book series about Honor Harrington, featuring the Star Kingdom of Manticore empire, new government, new star systems and more. Extremely high potential here, so check it out on Steam.
Beautiful Battles Mod
This mod completely revamps the space battles (mostly aesthetically) and everything will look better and more spectacular. Battles will also last slightly longer, so sit back and enjoy the show! Download the mod here.
Playable Robots
Do you want to play as Robots? You can do so with this well-made mod that brings Robots as a playable race in the galaxy, with 16 Playable Android Races and a lot of room for growing. Click here to download the mod.
The Blorg
This is a fun mod to try, especially if you watched the teasers Paradox had for Stellaris. This adds a new pre-scripted empire to the game, the loving (but not lovable) Blorg. Try them out just for fun and for some amazing roleplay. Click here to download.
Better Sector Mod
Sectors are always frustrating and time consuming. Sometimes they make little sense and they manage to get the game a lot more complicated than they should, especially since they’re intended to simplify things. This mod fixes those problems and makes sectors work as I personally believe they should. Download it here.
National Emblem Pack
Another mod that makes things not just more familiar, but better for roleplaying: insignia from across history and around the world, including intergovernmental organizations like the United Nations, Union of South American States, NATO and individual nations from Albania to Wales. A really good mod that can be downloaded here.
Even though it’s been just a few days since the game was released, as you can see we already have a ton of great mods available for download (and an impressive 420 available on Steam at the moment of writing). This will get epic from now on, so expect another article with game changing mods really soon. Until then, enjoy these amazing mods too!

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